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Time Attendance system
Access control system
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RFID Card Reader with ID Card Reader Access Control System
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Access control system
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RFID Card Reader with ID Card Reader Access Control System

Time Attendance Specialists - China Leading Cloud Attendance Software Solutions With Access Control

Face Reader/Face Recognition Attendance Terminal Cloud Based Time Attendance System With Face Recognition Reader

Door Entry Systems:

Door entry systems primarly focus on preventing casual acces to a space managing and controling who enters that spac. These systems are designed to facilitatecommunication and entry permissions at the entrance point, such as a front door or gate. Key features of door entry systems include:
1. Stand alone: lypicaly fited to a single door or entry point in isolation with no connection to other doors or entry points and with no central software2, ntercom Communication: Door enty systems often incorporate intercoms that alow communication between a visitor and the occupant before qranting access.
3. Audio and video Verification: These systems may incude audio or video veriftcation mechanisms,enabing occupants to visualy or audibly conim the identitof the person seeking entry.
4. Door Release Mechanisms: in most cases,door entry systems may incude mechanisms to remotely release the door lock,alowing authorised indiiduals to enter.
5.Visitor Management: Door enty svstems are typialv designed to manage visitors eficienty, providing a secure means for occupants to arant or deny accesAnd will normally include an option for pre authorised employees or residents to gain entry directly.

Access Control Systems:

Acces control systems, on the other hand, encompass a broader range of securty measures beyond just managing enty points. Access control focuses on regulatingand monitoring access to various areas within a facility. Key features of access control systems include.
1. RFlD Readers, face and Fingerprint Biometrics, or Key Fobs: Acess control systems often employ advanced authentication methods (also known as factorssuch as RFlD card readers, biometrics, or key fobs to grant access to authorised individuals. These factors can be combined to increase the security level ifrequired such as requiring users to identify with an RFlD card then also by Face recognition before being granted access
2.User Permisions and Restrictions:These systems allow administratrs to define specilitc access permisions for diferent indiiduals or groups,restricing entry tocertain areas based on roles or clearance levels.
3. Audit Trails: Access control systems maintain detaled ogs or audit trals, recording who accessed a particular area, and when, provding valuable information forsecurity and compliance purposes.
4. interation with Security Systems: Acces control systems can integrate with other security systems, such as survelance cameras or fire alarms, enhancing overall security measures and building safety

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